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What is Coolsculpting?

Coolsculpting is an FDA-approved treatment for non-surgical fat reduction. Coolsculpting utilizes cryolipolysis, or fat freezing, to eliminate stubborn fat cells without damage to other tissue or surrounding areas. Freezing fat cells eliminates them permanently, which can lead up to 20 – 25% reduction of stubborn fat in a treated area.

Coolsculpting Before During and After photos of Abdomen and Flanks witth Before photo of abdomen in profile at top, 4 weeks after 1st session picture in the middle, and 8 weeks after 2nd session at the bottomCoolsculpting Before During and After Abdomen and Flanks on Male Body showing before photo at the top, 4 weeks after 1st session in the middle, and 8 weeks after 2nd session photo at the bottom with all abdomens straight onCoolsculpting Before During and After Bra Fat Images depicting before photo at tip, 4 weeks after 1st session photo in the middle, and 8 weeks after 2nd session at the bottom of female back at 45 degree angle








CoolSculpting is FDA-cleared to eliminate stubborn fat in 9 areas: under the jawline, under the chin, the upper arms, back fat, bra fat, the flank area (love handles), abdomen, thighs, and under the buttocks (banana roll).



Female silhouette with possible Coolsculpting treatment areas delineated - chin, anterior abdomen, flanks, knees, banana roll (under the glutes), arms, back/bra bulge, and thighs
Male silhouette with possible Coolsculpting treatment areas delineated - chin, anterior abdomen, flanks, knees, banana roll (under the glutes), arms, back/bra bulge, and thighs


The Coolsculpting device comes with several handpieces in order to treat the contours of different areas. Each single treatment lasts between 35 – 75 minutes depending on the handpiece and is known as a “cycle.” Paired areas, such as the flanks, arms, or thighs, generally require at least two cycles, one per side. The anterior abdomen may require more cycles for even fat reduction over the entire area. Of course, treatments will differ depending on individual anatomy and contours.

Our Coolsculpting experts will do an individualized body assessment before treatment begins. Our treatment providers are looking to map and mark handpiece placement for optimal results. This assessment allows an estimate of how many treatments may need to be done or which handpiece is best for a specific area. Any overlapping areas should optimally be treated on the same day in order to eliminate the possibility of uneven fat reduction in a single treatment area, especially in the anterior abdomen. Retreatment of any area should not be any sooner than 4-8 weeks.


What is a Coolsculpting treatment like?

Before treatment, a pre-treatment wipe is used to cleanse the area and to protect superficial skin from damage. A gel film with a sticky consistency is applied over the treatment area. The Coolsculpting handpiece will be applied on the treatment area, which will vacuum tissue into the handpiece in order to be treated. If there is no pinching from improper placement and the handpiece has been secured with straps to prevent pop-offs, treatment begins. The first 5 minutes of the Coolsculpting treatment may come with a tingling and minimal discomfort as temperature is reached. After the initial first few minutes, treated tissue becomes numb and any possible discomfort recedes. During this time, you can be on your phone or enjoy yourself as treatment time elapses.

After the completion of the treatment, the handpiece and gel film are removed and the treated area will be firmly massaged for at least two minutes to stimulate lymphatic drainage, ensure return to body temperature, and to break up fat cells even further. Subsequent cycles can be done on different treatment areas. Results can be typically be seen in 1- 3 months, as frozen fat cells are processed and eliminated naturally by the body. Full results may take up to 6 months. If further treatments are desired, the same area can be treated after at least 4 – 8 weeks.

DSC How does a Coolsculpting Treatment Go Gif showing male getting Coolsculpting placement markings on abdomen and treatment applicator being applied


How many treatments are necessary per area?

The number of treatment cycles required to completely treat an area depends on the natural contours of the body. Handpieces are centered over “peaks” of fat pockets. For smaller areas, like the chin, arms, or thighs, this is generally a relatively straightforward placement. For larger planes like the anterior abdomen or flanks/love handles, placement of handpieces can vary widely depending on how “peaks” are situated. Broader areas may be suitable for one cycle with a larger handpiece. If there are multiple peaks in a broader area, this will necessitate several cycles with a smaller handpiece.

This is why assessment is important to estimate the number of cycles needed to treat an area to completion. Repeated treatment sessions in a single area may also be necessary for best results depending on the amount of subcutaneous fat present initially. Because each cycle can lead to up to 20-25% reduction in fat in an area, the more fat there is initially, the more repeat sessions are required. Retreating an area generally leads to more satisfactory results.

Is there any downtime?

Coolsculpting minimally invasive so there is no downtime. There may be slight soreness/numbness in a treatment area for days to weeks after treatment. Some slight swelling may be present for several days after treatment.

Who is a good candidate for Coolsculpting?

Coolsculpting is a body contouring treatment, not a weight-loss treatment. This is because Coolsculpting works non-invasively and only targets stubborn pockets of subcutaneous fat. This is fat that is more superficial to the skin and not deep inside the body. It does not treat visceral fat, which is fat that surrounds organs in the torso. The best candidates for Coolsculpting are those with good diet and who regularly exercise but would like to treat stubborn areas of fat.

Who is NOT a good candidate for Coolsculpting?

Persons who are pregnant or those with cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobulinuria should not receive Coolsculpting treatments.


Can you pair Coolsculpting with other body contouring or body sculpting treatments?

Absolutely. Results can be augmented when you pair Coolsculpting with other treatments such as LPG endermologie, Velashape, or even body sculpting treatments like Accufit. If  an area does not have enough fat to be treated successfully with Coolsculpting, another body contouring treatment may be appropriate. If fat loss and muscle improvement is desired, pairing Coolsculpting and Accufit can synergistically augment results.

What is Accufit?


If you would like to schedule a consultation or get an assessment for Coolsculpting, please feel free to contact our DSC staff!

DSC Laser & Skin Care Center

889 S. San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel, CA 91776